Thursday, 3 April 2008

Back to reality!

I'm back! Was away for a week's holiday in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Arrived home last night and was sadly back at work today.

Had just finished unpacking a few minutes ago. I think this week and the next few weeks, I have to restrict my diet. I seem to have put on a few inches over the past week. There is just so much good and cheap food in Taiwan! It's the first time I've been there, so I feel more excitement than Hong Kong. But HK is not too bad too...because I know what to expect there - shopping and good food!

Stay tuned for some pictures!

1 comment:

Maria♥ said...

Welcome back and sounds like you had a lovely holiday. I can totally relate with you on the added extra inches, after all the Easter celebrations and my wedding anniversary I am also feeling the inches!! So I'm refraining from any rich foods for a while but will continue to bake for my boys ;o)



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